How Do Colors Affect Us
There are rainbows after just about every rainstorm. They are majestic and beautiful In the Bible it says that God made a rainbow as a promise that there wouldn't be another flood that would ravage and destroy the world. Rainbows have many different colors and they certainly aren't black and white or shades of grey. The first instance of color use in the Bible is made in Exodus 28 with Aaron and the twelve gemstones and color of the twelve tribes. It is also said that these twelve tribes were symbolism to the zodiac in that time around 1300 B.C. Color is used for his very colorful priestly garb. Nothing like that Black and White you see today on the clergy. I wonder why they decided to go to Black and White because it certainly was not the norm in Biblical days, that's for sure!
Shades of grey. Hmmm ....someone mentioned this to me a while ago that the Universe or the God that they have is enveloped in shades of grey. The only mention of grey in the Bible is about Grey Hair.
I believe though that the world and all the languages and the people and the beliefs are not in shades of grey......... but Rainbows. The colors are the same in every rainbow and in everything that makes or projects a rainbow. They are always Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet and there are many different colors within that spectrum
Each of these colors has its own meaning and vibration to it. Just as each person on this earth, including animals, plants and insects and those living in the waters. We can venture to say that even the planets have colors and vibrational frequencies associated with them as well Everything has a color and a vibrational level and they all can be balanced if you know the colors and vibrations that are disabled or clouded by whatever it is that you are doing or feeling. Toheal with colors all that is needed is a lamp with that colored light and you can sit under it. Or you can ask God for the color and ask him to infuse your body with it or send it through your hands to heal someone else. You can also visualize breathing the color and it filling your nostrils and your whole entire body and thinking of it as healing the part that needs that color and healing. You can paint your room the color or wear clothing of a certain color or use linens of the certain color. We can heal ourselves just like Jesus said we could.
Even one of my favorite author's, Aldoux Huxley, wrote about colors and visions. Here is a comment about one of his books:
"Confirmation of Huxley's intentional use of color is summarized in his "Natural History of Visions," a 1959 lecture posing the question, "Why are precious stones precious?" (Human 216). These brightly colored pebbles, says Huxley, are not beautifully harmonized like a work of art or a piece of music; they are single objects which the human mind responds to in an unaccountable way. He states that one reason for our interest can be found in the Phaedo where Socrates speaks about the ideal world of which our world is in a sense a rather bad copy. Socrates says: "In this other earth the colors are much purer and more brilliant than they are down here. The mountains and stones have a richer gloss, a livelier transparency and intensity of hue" (217). Plato writes not merely about a metaphysical idea but also about another inner world which has landscape and beautiful regions of memory, fantasy, imagination, dreams, and-most remote -- "the world of visions" (218). Huxley explains the importance of light and color in this world of visions:
This experience of the pure light of the void is a visionary experience of what may be called the highest, the most mystical kind. On a rather lower level the lights seem to be broken up and become, so to speak, incorporated in different objects and persons and figures. It is as though this tremendous white light were somehow refracted through a prism and broken up into different coloured lights. In this lower form of vision we have the intensification of light in some way associated with the story-telling faculty, so that there are visions of great complexity and elaboration in which light plays a tremendous part, but it is not the pure white light of the great theophanies. (228-29)
Huxley deduces, therefore, that precious stones are precious because they are objects in the external world -- along with fire, stained glass, fireworks, pageantry, theatrical spectacle, Christmas-tree lights, rainbows, and sunlight -- which most nearly resemble the things that people see in the visionary world (232-35)"
It is true that what you are is what you eat because eating food of certain colors can actually balance your energies. This is true of the liquids you drink.
Do you think it was a coincidence that Jesus robe was purple. Read on to see the properties of that color and others a well.
Balance OF Color In The Body

and Vitality is the meaning of RED and is associated with MALE polarity. It is also the First Ray. Scientist did an experiment and have come to the conclusion that Women see color differently and more vibrant colors such as RED.
Used in Color Therapy RED is used to burn out cancer dry up sores that tend to drain, warm cold ares and reduce pain. It is a powerful healing agent for diseases and blood and circulation problem and helps depression.
Though it helps with depression you don't want to do this if you have High Blood Pressure or have anxiety. It can make you more so and even to the extent of aggressive behavior. If you want to draw more business into your area then have a red carpet or walls and if you sell to the public try wearing a red shirt.
Strangely Orange is one color that isn't even mentioned in the Bible. What is said about the color could have been the reason why that color was left out or deleted from the original Biblical text.
Orange is used to increase immunity and sexual potency. This could have been the reason it might have been left out of the Bible. The elders in that time didn't want to foster anymore sexual prowess from it's followers. This is considered a sin in most religions because it signifies sin of the flesh.
Orange also promotes healing in the region of the digestive system, chest and kidney diseases. Orange has a soothing effect if used lightly. Orange, should not be used the same as for red for those who get easily agitated or have high blood pressure.
Orange is the Second Ray and is associated with the planet Mercury
Yellow is used for mental stimulation and depression and memory. It will help you think faster and is good for clearing the mind. To help cure dermatitis and other skin problems and again it must be used carefully because it is very stimulating and it could cause exhaustion and
It is the color of Taurus and also the planet Mercury.
Green is the
most used color in the spectrum. It is used to denote new beginnings, healing and time traveling, a good one to use for balancing emotions and has a calming effect. Green is also good as a healing color because it stimulates growth in such things as broken bones and the regrowth of tissues. For family members who are ill put green in all their surroundings as it heals.
Hospitals and Clinics should use alot of this color in their decor.
Blue is the color of electricity. We are all electricity and energy and vibration. We areGods because that is what God is. Jesus tried so many times to tell us that and no one wants to listen. They think it is too god to be true or that he was lying. They often take it out of context--well who knows what he really said because those books have been so messed up by man.
The attributes of Blue is truth, serenity and harmony.. It has a cooling effect making it a good color to use for burns of all kinds. It also is used for calming, reconstruction and protection. It helps in cool fevers, helps to stop bleeding and helps with nervous conditions. Be careful you don't use it to the extreme as it can leave you cold, depressed and sad. Jesus said everything in moderation.
On HOPI Prophecies "Blue is found in to prophecies about reality moving into higher frequency - viewed by us in linear time as the future. Midnight blue 12:00 - December 21, 2012 - Mayan Calendar - the end of Time. We have gods and goddesses returning at the end of time -
There are also the Indigo Children and Adults "Parents or caregivers often recognize indigo children when they are young. Indigo adults are sensitive, intuitive, lively, loving, intelligent, and curious. They are often driven to make a positive change in the world. Although often thought to be “different”, indigo adults and children often okay with that.who some people feel are more evolved though I seen them with many disabilities. This will cause them to heal issues and thus help others." "
So there really is a purpose for those who we think suffer. Thing is we tend to put our standards on others which doesn't always work.
The color Purple connects you with your spiritual self. Your father as in the father of Jesus. He knew where to pull information from and he told us that we can do the same--if only we would hear and understand what he is telling us in that Bible. It is good for mental and nervous problems. It will assist very well with rheumatism and epilepsy. Helps with pain, is used in deep tissue work and helps heal the bones. Too much purple and you tend to be delusional. I wonder if people who have many personalities have this instead of a real disease. Did Jesus talk to others as well and did he do it in public?
The Astrological sign of Purple is Virgo and the planet that corresponds to it is Jupiter.
Something of interest here that I also found on Crystallinks.
"Visualization in the Deep Purple Frequency
Prepare as you would for meditation. Visualize the color purple, deep, rich, flowing around you....
Violet denotes equilibrium and it is useful forspiritual healing.and burning off lifetimes of Karma on all levels. It is also the highest color in the spectrum and is linked wit the Crown Chakra. It is associated with the astrological sign of Leo and is the Omega--End. The purpose of this Violet Flame is to transfer negative energies onto positive ones. It also changes DNA and aids in Spiritual growth and is sometimes associated with Saint Germain..
If done properly you may snse a feeling of warmth or heat. .
The violet flame can also help you deal with emotional and psychological problems to some degree. If you believe in its power, it can help relieve stress, depression and anger.
This is not a substitute for professional help in the case of clinical depression or other mental disorders.
For a good meditation with the Violet Flame visit this site:
White includes all of the colors of the light spectrum. It is the source of conscious creation and purifies the body on the highest level.. It is the highest charging field to bring peace and comfort and is used the most for protection. .
From Crystallink Ellie has this research:
"A woman wearing a white robe denotes the love-life-death meaning such as Delphic Aphrodite of Tombs, the Scandinavian Frigg and Teutonic Hel/Freya which is the Beloved goddess of death.
In Celtic tradition the terrestrial goddess wore white.
In Alchemy white is the feminine principle as represented by the 'The White Lily'.
In the Arendian white is sacred.
To the Aztec it was the dying sun or night.
To the Buddhist tradition, white is self-mastery and redemption. It is representative of being lead from bondage - the highest spiritual transformation.
To the Chinese, white is mourning.
In Christian beliefs white is the highest color representing the purified soul, joy, virginity, integrity, light and a holy life.
White is always worn in Christian religions at the sacraments of Baptism, First Communion, Confirmation, Marriage.
In Catholicism it is symbolic of the saints not suffering martyrdom and virgin saints.
Druid priests wore white. It was the color of baptism.
Greek tradition uses white for mourning, love, just about all themes white is symbolic there.
In Hinduism, white is symbolic of Pure Consciousness---sattva-- upward movement, the light and manifestation.
Maori tradition holds white as meaning truce or surrendering.
To the Mayan in represented peace and health.
Roman tradition wore it for very propitious occasions "
Throughout the Bible there are passages and stories about the use of colors and gems and many other Astrological things associated with them. Jesus used color and he told us how and that we could do it ourselves. He told us that we Are Gods and that we can heal ourselves. Some of them are mentioned in the Bible and then some of them leave you hanging--like where is the rest of the story. No wonder the Bible is a confusing book, when Astrology and color and spiritual healing is all going on and then it is said that it is Evil. I believe God wanted those in the Bible or they wouldn't have been mentioned in the first place and it seemed pretty common place in the time of Aaron. It does seem as if the books were tampered with way before we got to these versions we use today. Somethings just don't make sense as in parts are missing of the whole story. Then when people take sentences out of context it even makes the whole thing even more confusing. They use those as a FEAR and Control tactics and I don't think God nor Jesus had that in mind. Some books are missing altogether or even banned. This is not God's book, but Gods' Books that have been tampered with by MAN.
Throughout the Bible there are passages and stories about the use of colors and gems and many other Astrological things associated with them. Jesus used color and he told us how and that we could do it ourselves. He told us that we Are Gods and that we can heal ourselves. Some of them are mentioned in the Bible and then some of them leave you hanging--like where is the rest of the story. No wonder the Bible is a confusing book, when Astrology and color and spiritual healing is all going on and then it is said that it is Evil. I believe God wanted those in the Bible or they wouldn't have been mentioned in the first place and it seemed pretty common place in the time of Aaron. It does seem as if the books were tampered with way before we got to these versions we use today. Somethings just don't make sense as in parts are missing of the whole story. Then when people take sentences out of context it even makes the whole thing even more confusing. They use those as a FEAR and Control tactics and I don't think God nor Jesus had that in mind. Some books are missing altogether or even banned. This is not God's book, but Gods' Books that have been tampered with by MAN.
Each person is attracted by a color that needs balancing. Colors all have a vibration frequency and a meaning to them. In light (haha a pun) of this what color are you attracted to? Do you know why?
Try this--each day wear a different color shirt or dress or top. Note to how people react to that color. What is the main response that is given or asked of you. Also do you have any reactions to the colors that you wore on those days according to the color definition above?