What 7 States Discovered After Spending More Than 1 Million Drug Testing Welfare Recipients
What 7 states discovered after spending more than $1 million drug testing welfare recipients
What a waste.
As state legislatures convene across the country, proposals keep cropping up to drug test applicants to the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program, or welfare. Bills have been introduced so far in Montana, Texas, and West Virginia, with a handful of others also considering such a move. Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R) has gone further, proposing to drug test applicants for food stamps and unemployment benefits. They follow recent bills put into action in Maine, Michigan, and Mississippi.
Proponents of these bills claim they will save money by getting drug users off the dole and thus reduce spending on benefits. But states that are looking at bills of their own may want to consider the fact that the drug testing programs that are already up and running haven’t seen such results.
According to state data gathered by ThinkProgress, the seven states with existing programs — Arizona, Kansas, Mississippi, Missouri, Oklahoma, Tennessee, and Utah — are spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to ferret out very few drug users. The statistics show that applicants actually test positive at a lower rate than the drug use of the general population. The national drug use rate is 9.4 percent. In these states, however, the rate of positive drug tests to total welfare applicants ranges from 0.002 percent to 8.3 percent, but all except one have a rate below 1 percent. Meanwhile, they’ve collectively spent nearly $1 million on the effort, and millions more may have to be spent in coming years.
Does Drug Testing Welfare Applicants Work?
Lawmakers who push these bills claim that they will cut down on costs by rooting out drug abusers while also helping to refer those users to treatment. But in reality, they come with few, if any, benefits.
The main impact of it is first…to spend TANF money that could go into other things,” said Elizabeth Lower-Basch, policy coordinator and director of income and work supports at CLASP, a non-profit focused on policy for low-income individuals. While many states told ThinkProgress that the funds don’t necessarily come out of the pot that would go to TANF benefits, it’s still money that could go elsewhere. “The money could certainly be spent on other things if it wasn’t going to drug testing,” she said. “Even if it’s a state where it can’t go to into childcare or cash assistance, it probably comes out of their administration pot, so that’s caseworkers and things like that.”
The other impact is increasing stigma around both welfare and drug use. It can increase the shame people feel around applying for welfare benefits in the first place, which could drive them away from getting assistance they may need to get by. At the same time, it may make drug users less willing to disclose and therefore keep them from connecting with treatment, according to Lower-Basch. “If people are afraid they’ll lose their benefits if they admit to using drugs, it makes it hard for them to say, ‘Hey, actually I have this issue,’” she explained. A study of Florida’s program, which has since been struck down by the courts, found that it didn’t produce any reliable estimates of drug use among welfare recipients.
Even if the policies did unearth drug users in need of help, however, that doesn’t mean states are going to get it to them. Many “don’t guarantee your slot [in treatment facilities] or in some cases pay for it,” she noted. Centers often have long waiting lists, so someone who gets referred may not even be able to get in. Some states used to use TANF money to expand access to drug treatment, but as the money allocated to the program has dropped in real value, those efforts have dried up.
There is one way Lower-Basch thinks drug testing welfare recipients used to be helpful: not to determine eligibility for benefits, but to help them get work. “It was part of the work assessment,” she explained, “what are your barriers to work, what do you need in order to get a job.” If it was a barrier to employment, states could try to help them get what they needed to overcome it.
The High Costs And Few Rewards In Each State
The drug-testing regimes in the seven states all differ slightly, but the lack of effectiveness is widespread.
In 2011, Missouri adopted a law to require screening and testing for all TANF applicants, and the testing began in March 2013. In 2014, 446 of the state’s 38,970 applicants were tested. Just 48 tested positive.
I somehow knew that they would be wasting money on this. All that money could have fed more people and got more jobs and housing for them...training too. Way back I was on welfare and I went through a displaced homemakers program and got an education that I could use. They need a whole lot more of those then drug testing. Give the people hope and encouragement.
Now there are some people that claim that anyone can pass a urine test, but I pointed out to the that that would be a whole lot of people that would do that to make these astounding number incorrect. I asked her if she read the whole document and she said that she just skimmed it. Here is where the problem lies with the people.....They all pre-judge everyone for the actions of a few and think that everyone therefore is a drug user when they asking and trying to get on the Welfare System.
By my experience, and it was a very good one at that, once you get on Welfare it is hard to get off of it. They do help you in so many ways, but it's like weaning a baby off a bottle. If you have never gone through such a program then you will never realize the good that it is. Yes, there are those the mis-use the system. There was a system in place before the government got involved and made this Welfare System. I did write a blog about that. They had what was called "poor houses". (link at end of this blog so you can red about this one in my area) They weren't what you think of either. Your first reaction would probably be that these people were so poor that they were dirty and couldn't dress properly and had some missing teeth and couldn't speak correctly.....right? Well you are so far off and this is what most people think of.....just the same as the Homeless. You think they are all drug addicts or alcoholic.........so far off on that one too. I am not sure where all this negativity comes from, but my aim here is to educate you to the truth of the matter.
In this article that I posted at the top of this blog, if you actually go to it and read the whole thing, thy have all the states that did these testings. There are charts about the finding and there is known how much money was involved in this venture of the government. They are startling find and they are not what you would have thought coming out of this that most people wanted proof of. This study found just the opposite and I, for one, am glad....being as I was one such Welfare Recipient myself years ago. I worked hard to get off of that system. I wanted and needed the help that the system provided. I didn't want to live on the street or take hand-outs. Believe me that there are circumstances that never enter your mind when you do get to this low in your life. I never though that I would have to go to this level in my life. It wasn't even a part of my life or mindset and I certainly was not dirty or did drugs. I am not talking just of myself here. There are many who have come to find out just what it is to have to get into the welfare system. Nobody wants to go there, believe me. It is because of all the shaming and pre-judging that those who think they are better than anyone else does. It is not fun and it hurts. These kinds of people have found themselves in some they that they never ever thought that they would be in. Instead of shaming and calling names and assuming they are only there to get on drug, let me remind you that the coffee or tea or sports drink that most of you drink in the morning is also a drug. Yes, Caffeine is a drug and is addicting and it is legal. Sugar is a drug too. It is also addicting and is also just as hard to get off of then cocaine. Think about that one for a change.
The first step to getting information and help is to go to the DHHR. What is DHHR?
DHHR stands for the Department of Health and Human Services. Here is the link for the WV DHHR List of Programs they provide: DHHR West Virginia
Just in case you don't want to visit the site I will list some of those programs for you. I know most of you will not do your research because you want to stay in your pre-conceived notions.
Division of STD, HIV, Hepatitis
HOTLINE: 800-642-8244
AIDS Prevention provides HIV/AIDS prevention through health education and training, risk reduction promotion, and resource distribution to service providers and people at risk. This is accomplished through technical assistance consultation, conferences and workshops, media campaigns, community-based organizations and community planning groups, youth peer education, HIV counseling and testing at AIDS Prevention Centers, and a statewide AIDS hotline.
The STD Program monitors disease morbidity in both the public and private sectors on Syphilis, Hepatitis B, Chlamydia and Gonorrhea. Eight disease investigators located throughout the state perform field epidemiology on all Early Syphilis, HIV, and Acute Hepatitis B infections as well as Chlamydia and Gonorrhea when feasible. The central program staff answers all hotline calls and provides educational resources for presentations as well as condom and literature distribution.
Help Me Grow is a FREE referral service that connects families with critical developmental resources for their children birth through five years. The goal of Help Me Grow is to successfully identify children at-risk and link them to the help they need.
Help Me Grow offers parents and medical providers:
Referral line - Get expert advice and a referral to community resources to help support early childhood development; and
Ages and Stages Screening Questionnaire - A developmental screening tool that’s endorsed by West Virginia Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics and available upon request.
Help Me Grow is part of a national program that connects families to resources right here in West Virginia. The program is funded by the Office of Maternal, Child and Family Health, West Virginia Home Visitation Program.
Help Me Grow offers parents and medical providers:
Referral line - Get expert advice and a referral to community resources to help support early childhood development; and
Ages and Stages Screening Questionnaire - A developmental screening tool that’s endorsed by West Virginia Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics and available upon request.
Help Me Grow is part of a national program that connects families to resources right here in West Virginia. The program is funded by the Office of Maternal, Child and Family Health, West Virginia Home Visitation Program.
WISEWOMAN Program Overview
The West Virginia WISEWOMAN program screens for heart disease and stroke risk factors. The following 10 risk factors associated with cardiovascular disease are specifically targeted:
Abnormal blood pressure
Diagnosed hypertension
High total cholesterol
Abnormal glucose
Diagnosis of diabetes
Tobacco use
Body Mass Index
The West Virginia WISEWOMAN program screens for heart disease and stroke risk factors. The following 10 risk factors associated with cardiovascular disease are specifically targeted:
Abnormal blood pressure
Diagnosed hypertension
High total cholesterol
Abnormal glucose
Diagnosis of diabetes
Tobacco use
Body Mass Index
You can also report welfare fraud, crimes child abuse and more on the programs and online pages on the same site linked above.
There are many Drug rehab programs, through DHHR that do help those who have a drug or alcohol problem. There were 70 listed, but this is only one of them. They help the individual with all their needs and here are some places to look. They are not freeby programs.
There are many Drug rehab programs, through DHHR that do help those who have a drug or alcohol problem. There were 70 listed, but this is only one of them. They help the individual with all their needs and here are some places to look. They are not freeby programs.
These programs really focus on the individual's situation and circumstances. The assess your situation and then they point you in the direction that is going to help you out of your present situation. That may take a few months to a few years. It is something that you have to want to do. Then again if you are going there in the first place it is something that you want to do.
Some recipients have been beaten or battered wives. Are you going to sit in judgment for all those who have had enough and want help to get better just because the first thing that pops into your mind is that they are drug addicts? Oh yeah, I can see it now......every person who finds themselves in a domestic relationship that has gone wrong somehow deserves what they get.....and least we forget, they are druggies too and deserve to be pre-judged as so. Come On!!!!! WAKE UP! Stop your fear and actually help someone. That old adage of not "Don't Get Involved" Why is it that nobody wants to help others and then expects others to help them when they are on their lowest point? It makes no sense. The numbers of people who don't ask for help because they feel ashamed and are put in that black box, are the ones that really get hurt by our very own society and people who think and demean others because of what they think and don't have the facts. That is very sad. Nobody knows just what it is like to be in those kinds of situations. For Goodness Sake, have more compassion and do your homework about the situation before telling others that they are all drug addicts and want to just use the system for their addiction.
If you do have a drug problem, find out why and how they got to that point. There is always a start to a problem. Look in your phone book and call the DHHR yourself and get educated as to what kinds of programs that they offer. Find out other ways to help and encourage these that have had to come to this program and want and need help.
Be proactive, Not Reactive and don't judge for something that you have no idea what you are talking about. You make it worse, not better. Stop the shaming and blaming.
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