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Monday, March 23, 2015

Petition to Repeal OBAMAS Mandatory Health Insurance

If you are stuck, like I am, and do not need nor want this please sign the petition.  I think it is one big scam!
Why do I think it is a big Scam you may ask.

Just do the math.
Monthly premiums cost about $180.00 per MONTH for one that is covered from your work (my husband's work).

Many have a low (ha!) deductible of $1,500.00 and that is how much you have to pay for ONE year alone.  It cannot be rolled over or saved up.

Some procedures are not covered.  My husband needs a procedure for preventative measures and could not get it because it was within that $1,500.00 deductible.  We could not afford that.

Alternative medicine is still not covered in the Health Insurance plans and neither are alternative drugs.

Many do not need those or do not get sick often enough to even really need insurance and you can never get that money that you shell out back.  It is better to have a saving account for your medical needs.

I don't play the "What if" game.  I have not had insurance for years and I have had expensive procedure and paid for them out of my own pocket.  IF I get really sick, well I will deal with it when and IF I ever get there.

NEW!  Many Hospitals and Doctor's offer a payment plan when you don't have Health Insuranc or enough money to pay for their services.
Many of those subsidies that were in OBAMA's plan have quit, leaving the higher subsidies in the program, hence making more money.

They don't consider what you can afford.  They go by the breadwinners salary.  My husband makes about $45.000.00 per year and they want me to pay $500.00 per month....on top of what my husband pays for his health Insurance and add the $1,00.00 deductible with that.  Mind you that is the OBAMACARE Health Insurance at The MarketPlace.

The Government doesn't want you to take control of your own health.  They want you to pump all their chemicals in your body.  Take account and look at your own health.  Their health plans require you to keep going back to the doctors and they keep you on drugs.  It starts with one and then another is added and some even take up to 20 different drugs a day.  That is a SCAM!  They don't care about you.  They care about money and keeping you in their loop.

I signed this petition and I hope that you see how it is a scam and sign the petition too.

Please  Sign The Petition

I did receive a ltter from my State House of Representative and this is what it said:

Dear Mrs. Allen,

Thank you for taking the time to contact me to voice your concerns about the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare. Hearing thoughtful opinions from constituents like you is very important to me. 
On February 3, 2015, I voted for H.R. 596, which would repeal Obamacare in its entirety. It passed the United States House of Representatives by a vote of 239-186. 
During his term in office, President Obama has routinely and blatantly forced his policies on the American people. One of his most outrageous policies is the Obamacare law. Obamacare has dismantled the forty-hour work week, raised costs, killed jobs, and put the government between patients and their doctors. 
President Obama made a number of promises to the American people to get his health care law through Congress, but the impacts of the law have been devastating to American families. The President promised that we could keep our insurance, but 7 million fewer people will have employment-based insurance by 2018 according to the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO). 
The President promised no new taxes on middle-class families, but Obamacare will result in $770 billion in new taxes, penalties, and fees over a 10-year period. The President even promised that every American would have health care, but despite a projected $1.8 trillion in new spending through 2023, the CBO estimates that 31 million Americans will remain uninsured. 
In the 114th session of Congress, I also co-sponsored the Hire More Heroes Act and the Save American Jobs Act. These bills, which passed the House, save jobs and help America’s veterans by repealing key elements of Obamacare. 
We must halt Obama’s big-government agenda and pass common-sense reforms so that we can start to restore our freedoms as Americans.  West Virginians deserve healthcare solutions that bring costs down for hardworking families and expand access to quality healthcare.  Our state and the nation need more good jobs, not more Federal government mandates. 
Again, I appreciate you taking the time to share your views on the President’s, overreaching healthcare policies. Your communication and feedback is very helpful to me in my role as your U.S. Representative. I look forward to hearing from you as we fight together for our West Virginia values. 
For more information, I encourage you to visit my website at
Alex X. Mooney
Member of Congress

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