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Monday, July 13, 2015

Kids (Young Adults) who kill. What Is Wrong With Them?


Most of the mainstream educators and others who have hands in raising children seem to think that Violence begets Violence.  They have tried to obliterate anything they think has a violent tendency.   You can see this on social media, in writing sites, on search engine and even in the school system.  Parents have listened to the media and have come to think that they all tell the truth but they do not.  Violence does not beget violence else everyone on the planet would be violent.  Learning about bodily functions and using the correct words or even talking about such things has become taboo.  Parents are told they will beget what we don’t want in our children and in society.  It does not.  Your child is a growing adult. A child has many learning process they will go through to be a functioning adult in society and it starts in the womb. 

The media has brought about many changes in the way that we have raised our children.  It is true that there is more violence shown on the TV, in the newspapers and periodicals.  This in turn has desensitized many. Parents now think that this brings about more violent tendencies in their children. Some use it as a way to teach self-defense.  That’s a big one for you.  If there were no violence then there would be no need to be violent back.  Self-Defense is used as an excuse to be violent against another.  All those video’s with violent play and killing, they are all murdering and it’s all under the guise of self-defense.  Is the answer, just don’t let them see or hear it and they won’t do it?  Those kinds of thoughts have been with us for a very long time and many see these things on a daily basis in some form or another and it doesn’t make them violent.  I don’t think this is the answer.

Sandy Hook Elementary School Murderer

Dylann Roof SC Church Murderer

In the news in the last decade there have been reports of children or young adults going on killing sprees such as what
Columbin CO High School Murderers
happened in the Columbine High School, the theater and in Sandy Hook Elementaryschool and now Dylann Roof and the murdering of the Charleston SC church members.  It seems that some of our youth seems to be on a track of self-destruction.  They seem to not be able to stop the killing as they go on to mass murder everyone in sight.  It makes little difference if they are related to the victims or just that the victims are just in the way. 

Many questions have been brought up about these youth, their upbringing and their mental health.  Many bewildered adults and children have asked questions like: Why are our children doing this. Is the cause our water or in the food that we consume, or is it deeper than that? 

These questions I will try to answer in the article. 

Is it violence on TV or other Electronic Devises?

It has been proven that some electric waves produce bad effects on adults.  Electronics is fairly new in our society and we are just learning some things about all the various electronics or waves that affect us.  Since the invention of the TV we have set our youth down in front of it.  We have treated it like a Babysitter as some device that will keep our children happy for hours while the parents are doing something else.  All those waves bombarding the children do cause ill effects.  Many parents and the toy industry disbelieve that these do affect the children.  All one has to do is look at the number of children as early as the age of 12  who go haywire later in their teens or young adulthood to see the correlation. 

Research has proven that these children get addicted to the video games and anything having to do with the Internet.  What causes it?  It is the rewards/punishment process they get from playing the game.   It’s the high and escape from their reality they get from using or as parent’s do when they give them candy as a reward.  We are training them to do these things. 

We can see the addictive affects when we try to take their games away from them or the Internet and cell phones, yes cell phones too.  The proper term is “Screen Addictive Children”.  

The meaning of addiction is:
•         Inability to avoid that which you are addicted to
•         A lack of control over your behavior
•         Uncontrolled need for the thing that you are addicted too, most likely the rewarding experience computer or video games gives.
•         Problematic relationship skills and behavior towards others.
•         Emotions become erratic
When parents took away the game or Internet the children did exhibit signs of addiction in that they were depression, unable to deal with stress in their lives at school and at home, elevated anger and aggression, mood swings, thought processes don’t correlate to their situation, they become more violent.

Violence Begets Violence?

The current mode of thought for mainstream educators and others who have a hand in raising children believe that violence creates violence.  You are able to see this in social media, on the writing sites, and in the school system as they try to obliterate anything and everything that they even consider has a violent tendency.  Parents listen to the media tell them that they too need to do so lest we create a violent child and they come to believe that the media tells the complete truth; they don’t.  Violence doe not automatically beget violence else everyone on the planet would be violent.

The media has brought about many changes in the way we have raised our children.  It is true that there is ever more and more violence shown on TV, in movies, in the newspapers, and other periodicals.  This in turn has desensitized many.  Many parents now believe that this brings about the need to teach self-defense.  Self-Defense is nothing more than an excuse to be violent in return.  But, if there was no violence then there would be no need to be violent back.

A child goes through many leaning processed along he way to becoming a functioning adult in society, and those processes begin in the womb.  Learning about bodily functions, using the correct vocabulary, or even discussing violence with a child has become taboo.  Is the answer to the epidemic of violent children, just don’t let them see of hear about violence and they won’t do it?  This mode of thought has been with us for quite a while now and many children see these things on a daily basis in one form or another yet it doesn’t make them violent.  Obviously this is not the answer.  Read about what science has proven about the age of when criminal activity starts: Life of Crime starts at a very young age

Could it be food or water?

          There are many studies conducted on this very thing.  Remember the Salem Witch Trials?  They found that there was a fungus Claviceps purpurea on the grain they were eating.  The common name is Ergot.  This Ergot starts out like a spore and then takes over the fertilization of the plant itself.  It can lower the harvest rate of the crops.  The end product of this spore is like a tiny mushroom, making it difficult to notice. It is also difficult to eradicate in the growing area as it stays dormant until conditions are just right for it to reproduce.  Frigid cold winters and wet Springs are some of the conditions it likes to grow in. It was first reported in 1676.  Humans and animals and even insects can get the disease called Ergotism, or as the Monks who treated the disease, Saint Anthony’s Fire.  It was named that because it also caused severe burning sensations in the extremities of the body.  

Symptoms of Ergotism include:
·       Hallucinations, irrational behavior and also death.
·       Powerful contractions in the uterus, sick feeling in the stomach, convulsions and loss of consciousness. Physician’s in the Middle Ages use this as a way to induce labor, to cause a woman to abort her child and also to stop bleeding post-delivery.
·       Ergot alkaloids and caffeine were also used to treat migraine headaches. Ergot extract isn’t used anymore by the pharmaceutical industry.

Rye is Ergot’s favorite plant to infest but others include Wheat and Barley.  Not only are we finding out that many people have problems with gluten that is a product of wheat and corn, but that wheat and other cereal grains also can have this disease as well.  For more information about this go to:  “The Witches Curse” a program on PBS.ORG

Other foods that cause tantrums in children include:
  • Salicylates in fruit, mint, tomato flavored foods and also in fruits and some vegetables
  • Preservatives
  • Artificial color
  • MSG,
  • synthetic antioxidants i.e. E320
  • Dairy foods.  
  • Sugar

Food Additives such as colors cause irritability, mood disorders. anxiety, depression, a hard time concentrating, problems learning, skin irritations, GERD, extended belly, diarrhea, wetting the bed, headaches and migraines.  Check with what you are eating if you have lots of flu and colds during the year as these can also be caused due to preservatives or coloring in your foods.
Familiarize yourself with the List of Food Additives and Colors.

Could it be in the drugs that we take or the vaccines?

There is lots of information on this on the Internet.  We have recently in the past decade realized that some chemicals that are put in our vaccine that are to prevent diseases are the cause of some conditions we didn’t think would happen.  The most prevalent debate is the insurgence of Autism from the vaccine in which we give to our children to prevent Chicken Pox.  It is Mercury that is the *preservative* that is present in the vaccine. 

Other drugs that cause aggressive tendencies in our children are:
Alcohol: Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is caused by mom’s that drank alcohol when they were pregnant.  Complications presented in the infant after birth is a problem with behavior, among other things which do not pertain to this article.  Heavy alcohol use lends itself to higher incidents of aggression in children and adults.
Anabolic Steroids, Anabolic steroids are drugs are used to build up muscle mass faster than you can with just exercising. It has been documented that some that take these steroids get into fights, they do aggressive crimes i.e. burglary and or armed robbery. They act in ways that they typically would not act had they not taken the drug.
Depressant/Downers such as Valium or Diazapam.

With all the hype about body image it is easy to see why some children get and use these drugs. 

With all the hype about body image it is easy to see why some children get and use these drugs. 
What are we teaching our children?  What are they seeing in us that we don’t see in us?  It is up to you to raise your child and from the minute it is born.  I hope that I have answered some of the questions you seek answers to.  Just what makes our children do violent things?