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Friday, April 24, 2015

Just a Quote For Today It is National Arbor Day Today!
Today is Natioal Arbor Day.  I thought this quote was fitting for today.

Quote for today: 

"Forest Revival: Koa is the king of Hawaii's endemic forests, the only places it grows. Reaching up to a hundred feet tall, these flowering trees once provided wood for native Islander's canoes and surfboards. But more than two centuries of logging and clearing the land for grazing have reduced Koa forests to about 215,000 acres, perhaps half their original expanse."


"To reverse this decline, private landowners and state and federal governments have planted hundreds of thousands of trees over the past 35 years. The new Koa forests attract birds, insects, and plants and improve watersheds, which helps humans too. 
---A.R. Williams---


© Debra K. Allen a.k.a Lady Guinevere

I researched and wrote this article. Please do not copy and paste any part of this article, picture included for your own use. I will find you and report you for stealing.  It is my right to change any information therein at any time and/or change the location of my article. 

Friday, April 10, 2015

Writing as Art

Do you think handwriting is a lost form?  With the inception of the internet most people are thinking that writing is on the way out.  That simply is not true.
In the early years of your education you learn to write in cursive.  It is an artistic form of writing and you used it in every day writing since then.  Now some people are saying that they do not need to teach that anymore and the block writing that is more often than not easier to read.  It has started as simplly in your education all the way up to what beuty writing can be as Caligraphy.

I do not think that it will ever go out of style to write in cursive.  There ae many ways that you use it as writing your signature.  Thought there is the new internet and that many things can be used to give your credence to things you will always use your signature and also print out your name in various places.  Some of those that demand your written signature and also your printed name are on loans.  Have you recently bought a new car?  Did you have to sigh and print your name on about 12 pages of papers to get that car?  How about when you go to the grocery store and that you use your credit or debit card, you also had to sing your name on the credit card receipt.  When you got a mortgage, you also had to put your signature and print your names on that as well.  Notary Publics sign their names to all kinds of legal documents as well.  I do not think that teaching cursive writing is ever going to go out of style or use.

Writing has been a form of art form thousands of years.  Writing is big business.  Just take a look at what kinds of things they sell in all kinds of stores from Dollar Stores to Grocery stores and Office supply stores.  You can buy stationery sets, drawing tablets, paper, pens rulers, colored pens, colored pencils, pens that have smells of good things.  What do you think of when you smell blueberries or strawberries?  How about the smell of apple pie?  Doesn’t that get your memories going and your creativity started?
Papermate and Bic are huge makers and suppliers of colored ink pens. All the colors of the rainbow are at your fingertips.  Use your imagination or get it all going by using colored ink in your correspondence and other things that you write.

Apple Tarts, Debra Allen
Mr. Sketcher is a company that sells scented markers.  Imagine smelling an orange and drawing a picture of an orange grove.  How about the smell of the blueberry and moments later you have drawn a blueberry pie.  Your canvas can be of white drawing paper to colored paper and imagine writing a letter to your love or children with these and share your imagination and foster their imaginations when they open their stationery that you hand-picked for them.  Another company sells pens that smell like Lavender, Pina Colada and coffee.  How’s that to wake you up in the morning?  Did you know that a simple aroma can bring memories to you that you once though lost?  Yes, indeed.  Science has found that the sense of smell can trigger memories of all kinds to the individual.  Color can too and is used to manipulate emotions of all kinds. 

Don’t you just want to go write or doodle right now?  Go ahead and use your cursive and imagination to sign, write and draw your life.

© Debra K. Allen a.k.a Lady Guinevere

I researched and wrote this article. Please do not copy and paste any part of this article, picture included for your own use. I will find you and report you for stealing.  It is my right to change any information therein at any time and/or change the location of my article. 

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Happy Easter Everyone!


I hope that you are having a very nice Easter with friends and family.  Today I took pictures of some of the plants, trees and flowers that I have growing in my yard and gardens.
Daffodils almost ready!

Lilac leave are popping and will be unfulred in about a week or so!
I do hope that we get flowers this year.  I love the smell or Lilacs.

Daffodils up close.

Hyacinths poking up out of the ground.
Get up sleepy heads!

The Ivy is really starting to take off.

Another picture of the ivy that I have planted in the old iron tub.
It is up against the front of the house.
We used an old daybed frame for the trellis.

The holly that we planted a few years ago is getting bigger year by year.

My White Hellebore

We also started on the raised gardens.  Thought we do not plant things until after my birthday, I want to get the preperations done before that.  Today was a very nice day for that kind of work.  It is suppsed to be soggy come Tuesday all the way to Friday.  Getting the first projects underway is a good thing becasue you never know what is going to be happening at any given time that will change your plans.

I wrote my first entrance into my Garden Journal on my Gardening blog.  There I have all the pictures of what we did today.

This is what they looked like 2 years ago.
The will have different plants in thiem this year.

We will be setting in the post on the Bird feeder.  We have it moved, we just have to dig the hole deeper and level it out.  We have a problem with digging the hole deeper as my husband said that he hit rock.  So that will be finished another day, when we figure out how to get the hole deeper.

I just love playing in the dirt and planting things!  It is a very good stress reliever and I love watching things grow.

How about you?

© Debra K. Allen a.k.a Lady Guinevere

I researched and wrote this article. Please do not copy and paste any part of this article, picture included for your own use. I will find you and report you for stealing.  It is my right to change any information therein at any time and/or change the location of my article.